Category Archives: Shared

A letter from your older self


“In whatever sorrow you may be, however inconsolable and irremediable it may appear, believe me that the old woman in the cottage, with the young eyes, knows something, though she must not always tell it, that would quite satisfy you about it, even in the worst moments of your distress.”

-from Phantastes by George MacDonald

Dear you,

Have you ever noticed that most of the heartbreaks and hurdles you face in life always seem so much more navigable after you’ve gotten past them? I think about the bullies in junior high, or dating and worrying that I’d wind up alone, or that year I lived in the cold north with that joyless job and the three hour commute. So often I’ve wished I could dispatch an older version of me into the past to stand up to those (probably wounded) little sadists and to tell junior high me that I don’t need…

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